Family Stay Profile

Familystay Pty Ltd has been operating successfully, providing secure home environments for students since 16th of March 1998. The company was originally founded and established by Lynda Quigley who, as a Teacher, designed the company to help take some of the pressure away from the Overseas Co-ordinators at schools and colleges whilst still allowing the schools to be in control of their student accommodation requirements.

Five years ago, the current owner and Director, Margaret Vella, was approached by Lynda to take over the business. Margaret had been operating as a registered Trade Teacher with three prominent Private and Government academies, where she worked successfully with International Students. Margaret also had a strong management background having been the owner of several retail businesses prior to becoming involved with Familystay.

The Charter of Familystay has been to deliberately remain small so that we can continue to have the regular one on one, personalized contact with our host families and students. Regular morning and afternoon teas are therefore arranged with the host families in order to swap ideas or share mutual experiences. Familystay endeavours to place students as close to their school as possible, ideally selecting homes close to public transport and with no more than 30 minutes travelling to their destination.

Part of the Charter of the company is also to endeavour to make the student’s stay with their host family as trouble free as possible and to assist their school or college in finding the most successful and compatible placement. Once again, this is achieved by maintaining a manageable level of host families and student placements.

Familystay is associated with a Psychologist – Yvonne Sleeman.
Yvonne is available if there is an emergency and school Counsellor is not available (after hours or holiday) this contact would not be done without the permission of the school.