Code Of Conduct

Familystay Australia Code of Conduct Form

Listening and responding to the views and concerns, particularly if they are telling you that they or another child has been abused or that they are worried about their safety / the safety of another child.
Promoting the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. Also students with culturally and / or linguistically diverse backgrounds.
Promoting the safety and participation and empowerment of students with a disability.
Reporting any allegations of child abuse or other safety concerns
If child abuse is suspected ensuring as quick as possible that student (s) are safe and protected from harm.

Ignore any concerns , suspicions or disclosures of child abuse
Develop a relationship with any student that could be seen as favouritism or amount to grooming behaviour ( example offering gifts )
Exhibit behaviours or engage In activities with students which may be interpreted as abusive and not justified by Familystay Australia
Ignore behaviours by other adults towards students when they appear to be overly familiar .
Discuss content of an intimate nature or use sexual innuendo with students, except where it occurs relevantly in the context of parental guidance delivering the education curriculum or a therapeutic setting
Treat a child unfavourably because of their ,age , gender, race , culture, vulnerability, sexuality or ethnicity
Communicate directly with a student through personal or private channels including social media , email , instant messaging , texting except where communication related to school work or extra curricular activities or safety concerns or other urgent matters
Photograph or video a child in a school environment or other school events except in accordance with school policy or duty of care purposes
School events where students are present -consuming alcohol contrary to policy or take illicit drugs under any circumstances